Local Benefits:
- Advocacy – Keep up and have a voice on legislative initiatives and judicial precedent that affect your business.
- Educational Opportunities - Legal Notices & Various Seminars/Webinars
- Networking Events – Local chapter events near you!
- Business Discounts – Money savings for your business.
National Benefits:
- Model Docs - Contract Clauses, Negotiations, Short Forms, Bid Proposals, Project Insurance, Retainage, Contingent Payment, Reservation of Rights, Project Management and more!
- Government Advocacy - Washington, D.C. Legislators and other decision-makers hear your point-of-view on issues affecting business conditions for subcontractors.
- Benefit Service Discounts - American Express, UPS, Verizon, Consensus Docs, Office Depot, Sherwin Williams, Staples, Textura and more!
- National Conference - join us for our annual event first class location, speakers and more!
- Business Trends and News - Contractors Compass and weekly emails.